Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sacred Texts

The Sacred Texts

-There are 4 Vedas. Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, Arthava Veda.
-All books had a very large influence of other religions like Buddihsm, Jainism, Sikhism.
- The Rig Veda, the oldest of the four Vedas, was composed about 1500 B.C
-Rig Veda was given a name about 600 BC
-The Vedas contain hymns, incantations, and rituals from ancient India

-There are two categories of sacred texts. The Sruti (heard) and the Smruti (remembered).

Sruti art and text are held in the highest regard and considered devine, while Smruti are considered products of the great minds.

-Both books carry the same ammount of authority

-Sruti shows very little resemblence to the modern Hinduism

-Sruti helps explain and decifer art and sclupture

-Smrti texts are the Itihasas (History or Epics), Puranas (Mythology), Dharma Shastras (Law Codes), Agamas and Tantras (Sectarian Scriptures), and Darshanas (Manuals of Philosophy).

Sources found at and here!


Unknown said...

The Stupidity of man kind in shape of HINDUism worshiping idols are example of uncivilized and illiterate people on the face of earth are living in modern days (stone age people).
As according to their beliefs a man really a man could be a GOD.
Its happened with me,in my organization i have one Hindu assistant working with me,one day he told me that he needs some money badly to send his home and he tried every possible where to get borrow some but wasnt successful.
When did i saw him sitting under deep thinking, i asked wassup man?
He than said his problem,i said dont worry,may GOD will helps..
Than i gave him more than he rquires and asked no returns unless he have some day or time.
He literally joined his hand together and said me that you are a GOD,OMG !i though and said dont say like that...he said dont stop me saying that and insisting me on that..i said i m just human being..and go fullfill your need.
How stupidity of him and i get anger on him,than he says dont get angry to me but in our culture any thing including living or non living thing would helps HINDUS(humans)are pretend to be GOD. OMG..........what kind of people are they?

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